

NVP - The Dutch Network for HR-Professionals

General information

The Dutch Network for HR-Professionals (NVP) is the network for human resource professionals who are engaged in issues such as HR strategy, employment relationships, recruitment and selection, rewards systems, conditions of employment and training plans. It was founded on 28 January, 1965. We currently have 2,500 members.
The NVP’s main objectives are to help determine and defend values and standards in the field of HR, to have an important say in the development of new social legislation, to set codes of conduct regarding HR, to meet professional training needs and to improve industrial relations in general.

Interest sections and regional branches

The association comprises eight interest sections and nine regional branches, each with their own board of management. Each board of management draws up an annual plan and organises regular meetings.


The NVP meetings are the ideal way to meet colleagues and become efficiently informed on issues in daily practice. Each interest sector and regional branch plans several afternoon and evening meetings on current topics for each year, which may be attended either free of charge or for a small fee. All told these meetings total 75 annually! In addition, the National Bureau organises refresher sessions and workshops. NVP’s weekly digital newsletter, “NVP E-Zine” keeps you informed on current meetings, courses, job offers and vacancies.

HR Vacancies

Via the NVP website, vacancies are brought to the attention of at least 2,500 HR professionals. An up-to-date list of the jobs on offer can be found here. As an NVP member you pay only € 150, and for this fee, the advertisement is placed on our site for 2 months.

National Board

The association is run by a National Board of Management. The head office in Nijkerk services the association. It initialises activities on current issues for all members. Furthermore, the head office contributes actively to the implementation of the association’s strategic plan and supports and facilitates the interest sections and regional branches.

International orientation

The Dutch are internationally orientated by nature. Holland boasts many international or multinational companies. European developments in social legislation, industrial relations and anything else that relates to international HR are therefore of great interest to NVP members. As a result, the NVP also organises international meetings with sister institutes in Europe and participates in the EAPM, the European umbrella body of national HR organisations.

Become a member

Would you like to be part of our network of 2,500 HR professionals? Click here for more extensive information on NVP membership.

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